Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist
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Act I: Living the Coarsegold Dream

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As the game starts out, Freddy walks out onto West Central Main Street as Henry is boarding up yet another Coarsegold business. This time it's the Dirty Sheets Hotel. The first thing he must do is unlock his pharmacy. Walk two full screens to the right and you'll see the pharmacy on the right. Use the pharmacy key (it's the only inventory item you have right now) on the door to unlock it, and use the hand on the door to enter. 500 500
Next, click the hand on the counter gate to the left of the counter to enter the back of the pharmacy. Penelope, your girlfriend, will walk in and hand you a prescription that needs to be filled. Enter the back of your pharmacy through the door, and click the hand on the work area to start work. First, put the graduated cylinder on the counter. Next, find the Pepticlymacine Tetrazole and click it on the graduated cylinder eight times so it shows 40 ml. Then, put a medicine bottle on the counter. Click the graduated cylinder on the medicine bottle, and put the graduated cylinder away. Finally, put a cork on the medicine bottle. Leave the back room and click the medicine bottle (it's in your inventory) on Penelope to give it to her. 10 510
After that, Helen "Mom" Back will enter the pharmacy. She has another prescription to fill. Go back to your work area. First, put the graduated cylinder on the counter. Next, find the Bismuth Enterosalicyline and click it on the graduated cylinder three times so it shows 15 ml. Then, Put the beaker on the counter, click the graduated cylinder on the beaker, and put the beaker away. After that, find the Phenodol Oxytriglychlorate and click it six times on the balance to the right so it shows 30 gm. Pick up the balance pan and click it on the beaker, so it shows 45 ml. Put the balance pan back and stir the beaker with a stirring rod. Then, just throw the stirring rod in the hole to the right. This prescription calls for pills, so click the beaker on the pill machine to the left. Then put the beaker back. Next, pick up a medicine bottle and click it on the pill machine seven times. The medicine bottle should have 21 pills in it after that. Finally, put a cork on the bottle and go give it to Mom. 10 520
Your next customer will be Madame Sadie Ovaree. She has a prescription, but it's impossible to read. You'll have to go see Doc Gillespie. Once outside your pharmacy, go two full screens to the left. Enter the Golden Balls Saloon. You'll see Doc sitting at the near right table. Take his whiskey glass when he's not drinking from it. (1) 521
Next, open up your inventory screen. Click the glass on the prescription and you'll be able to read it. (10) 531
But Testosterate can't be right for women, can it? Click the glass/prescription combination to Doc and he'll fix it to say Estrosterane. (7) 538
Now that you can fill the prescription, go back to your work area. First, find Bimethylquinoline and click it on the balance three times so it shows 15 gm. Put the mortar & pestle on the counter, and click the balance pan on it. Next, find Metyraphosphate and click it on the balance three times so it shows 15 gm. Click the pan on the mortar & pestle once again so it shows 30 gm. Then, click on the mortar & pestle to grind it. Next, lay out six medicinal papers on the counter. Pick up the measuring spatula, and click once on the mortar & pestle and then once on one of the papers. Repeat for all six papers. Replace the spatula and the mortar & pestle. Next, put a prescription box on the counter and put each paper in the box. Then, go give the box to Madame Ovaree 10 548
Next, Smithy will hobble in complaining about his butt. He wants Preparation G (possibly a predecessor to our Preparation H?). You'll find a purple tube of Preparation G on the top of the left set of shelves in your main store. Pick it up. 1 549
Finally, just give the tube to Smithy. He'll tell you he's leaving town, and pays his pharmacy tab of $4.87 (a windfall!). After he leaves, Sheriff Shift comes in and informs you that your pharmacy is a fire hazard, because the building is made of wood. You'll have to close down your beloved pharmacy. 3 552

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